
Everyday, so many teens and adults commit suicide. They feel they aren't worth it. They feel lonely, sad, rejected, unloved. But it doesn't have to be that way. If we all took the time to let the ones we care about know how much they are loved, then we could prevent almost half of these suicides. I know we could.
Maybe if we didn't torment our peers, or ridicule our siblings, beat our children, we could prevent another one third of the suicides. And maybe, if we could all recognize signs of depression and suicidal feelings, we could prevent the other 2/6 of suicides. Everyone has someone who cares about them, they just don't know it. Let each and every person you care about know. It could just save their life.

Suicidal Warnings:

Change in eating and sleeping habits.
Withdrawal from friends, and family and regular activities.
Violent actions, rebellious behavior or running away.
Drug and alcohol use.
nusual neglect of personal appearance.
Marked personality change.
Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork.
Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches,
headaches, fatigue, etc.
Loss of interest in pleasurable activities.
Not tolerating praise or rewards. A teenager who is planning to commit suicide may also:
Complain of being "rotten inside."
Give verbal hints with statements such as: "I won't be a problem for you much longer," "Nothing matters,"
"It's no use," "I won't see you again."
Put his or her affairs in order--for example, give away favorite possessions, clean his or her room, throw away important belongings, etc.
Become suddenly cheerful after a period of depression

If anyone you know is having one of these feelings, ask them if they are feeling suicidal. You won't be putting ideas in their head. If they say they are feelings, tell someone immediatly. Don't wait.

If you are feeling suicidal, please rethink your decision. I know that if you are here, you obviously aren't positive of wanting to die. Please read this before you do anything. Suicide. Read Before Acting

Please let someone know that you are hurting inside. Someone wants to help.    1-800-ASK-A-NURSE

Trust in God.