Chris: Christopher John Joannau
Born: November 10, 1979
Intrument: Bass Guitar
Dating Status: has a steady girlfriend.
Useless info:
said in some sort of interview, ""Don't be a faggot, Danny! Keep driving!
Do a fishy! Do a fishy!" (I just think thats kinda cute)
the shy one
Once dyed his hair blue, but then
cut it off.
wears alot of Billabong clothing
Ben: Benjamin David Gillies
Born: October 24, 1979
Instrument: Drums
Dating Status: steady
Useless info:
16-18 drum sticks at every gig
Once said in an interview,"Inny
bellybuttons rule!!!" (thats tooo cute)
"Teenyboppers are mental. Hype
sucks. I hate hype, it sucks. It's like all teenyboppers... (screams like
girl). It's not for us."
Likes to surf
HATES teenies!!!
Daniel Paul Johns
Born: April 22, 1979
Instruments: Guitar/Vocal
Dating Status:
of a few months ago. Haven't heard anything new.
Useless info:
when daniel was little, he
used to play the trumpet
Daniel once said in an interview:
"Put your hand up if you're a jock. Yeah, jocks, we salute you. All right,
put your hand up if you're a grunge cadet. All right, grunge cadets win
so far. Put your hand up if you're a f***wit. Ah, we have many
a f***wit in the house. I didn't
say it, you did! Um, put your hand up if you're homosexual. Yeah! Gay
pride! I'm not -- I'm bi, 'cause
that's the cool thing to be... 'Cause bisexual is cool. And if you'll try
anything, you're trisexual. Oh,
Has asthma
Had an eating disorder- that isn't
any of our business, I know
Favorite alcoholic drink is V8
and vodka (bad boy)
Completely Useless things:
Ben and Daniel had a nice conversation
with the radio DJ...
Ben:"But I can remember a weird
question in an interview: A guy asked me if I ever got a boner in a
Daniel:"Excuse the pun 'and your
*point* is'..."